Monday, April 30, 2007
I went to Burger King the other day. I usually dont eat fast food but i was in a hurry. I had time to go inside, I'm not a big fan of wiping all of that grease all over my car. So i walked in looked at the menu. The Double Whopper with cheese and mayo looked GREEEAAAAT. So i got the combo meal with a lemonade. It was a great burger, overfilled my stomach. I didnt feel that horrible from the burger until i was walking out of the restaurant. Burger King had all of their nutrition facts up on the wall. First of all, props to Burger King for putting up all of their disgusting nutrition facts up. And they were the truth. Once i saw my burger and fries nutrition facts i couldnt bare to look at anymore. The Double Whopper with mayo and cheese is 930 calories, about 70 grams of different types of fats like unsaturated, etc. The fries were 340 calories and about 30 grams of fat. I just thought as i walked out, what the hell did i just eat? And second i dont put the blame on the American people for being so fat. No its those who are selling us their product. Fast food is everywhere and its hard not to go when your in a hurry, its convenient, or cheaper. Still it is an evil to this country and most dont see that at all. That is the last thing people would think about their triple bacon and cheese burger. Disgusting no wonder were all fat......
This world is ridiculous with the nuts we have on earth. Today i just read about a shooting in Kansas City where a man stole a dead ladies car, then went to a mall and started shooting people. He had a highpowered rifle and was shooting everything, including the two people he shot and killed. First the Virginia Tech shooting now this. If you look at these kinds of things, it happens at least every couple years in America. What about Columbine. They all disgust me. I dont care what you have wrong with yourself it is sickening all of these people killing people because they cant deal with things. This is going to continue in America over the years in our schools and public. I have no idea what to do to stop it because ive never had one thought of doing that so i dont understand what could stop it. It is even harder when some nut sends a tape that says "its your fault, you could of prevented this, but now its to late," then goes and kills over 30 innocent, random people. The kid was obviously a nut. We have a lot of them in our schools obviously that has been shown in America over the years. In the 70's we put the mentally ill in hospitals. There was a big movement of it in the 70's. Thats a whole seperate issue, but we just let things continue until a tragedy happens. Va Tech was the worst shooting in American history. It just makes you question how bad is it going to get?
Im gonna guess this summer is going to be the funnest of my life. Im going to live in San Fransisco for the summer. It typically is a very expensive city to live in if you want a decently nice place to live. But i got a great deal for $225 a month. I am sharing a room with my best friend but $225 a month for the summer will be easy to cut with a job for the summer. San Fran has so much to do with Little Italy, China Town, beach, bay etc. Its just a great city to spend your summer instead of in 120 degree phoenix heat. Ive had enough of that the past 16 summers.
Personally i suck at math. I mean i think math 122 is getting a little hard. Math just isnt my forte. But then i think about it and without math there is nothing. No ability to have money, to trade, count, etc. Math is so ridiculously important everyday that you have to respect it. Except Calculus, that was brutal. Absolutely nothing would be how it is today without math. If you think about it, you cannot imagine the world without math. Everything in this world has somehow to do with math. Even though i suck at math its okay because there were geniuses at math and made all of the ridiculous technology that we have today. So ill struggle in math and pass it but it is more important than we complain about every day.
Diamondbacks and their new colors
I walked into circle k the other night to buy something. I was wearing my new Diamondbacks hat. The cashier was a woman, I am guessing about 60. She noticed my hat right away once i approached the cashiers counter. She started asking if the diamondbacks had one that night. I went to the game that night. It was the third game of a three game series. The dbacks had one the first two and were looking for a sweep of the Reds. It didnt happen. The game was great to watch until the 7th inning when all hell broke loose. Owings the dbacks pitcher gave up three runs, my friends got minor in possesions for walking around with beer outside the doors, and the line for the bathroom was out the door. Other than that it was a great time. So i tell the cashier my quick version tell her we lost and then start to walk out of the store. Then she asked me if i like their new colors. I said yes definetly better than the purple and green. She didnt like them for two reasons. The first true, red and black seem like they are the dominant uniform colors of too many big league teams. Second she liked the old purple and green because it was more girly she said as she made a 360 twist around and smiled. Weird lady but nice to talk too.
Essay Three - Annotated Bibliography - Childhood Obesity
“Cutting School Snacks Could Curb Childhood Obesity.”abc News. Dr. George L.
Blackburn, Leslie Bonci, Keith-Thomas Ayoob, Dr. Stephen Cook, Elisa Zied,
Dr. Dean Ornish, Julie N. Germann, Richard D. Feinman, and Barry M. Popkin.
6 October 2006.
This report is a handful of doctor’s and expert’s reactions to Bill Clinton and the American Heart Association’s effort to make food in schools healthier and more nutritious. One doctor mentioned that we should get the children of the school involved, for example having them grow or make their own food so they learn for the future. Some doctors mentioned that daily physical activity is very important; children should be getting 60 minutes a day. Some experts were concerned if children would actually carry on this knowledge out of school, and not just walk down the street to a fast food place on their own time. A lot of experts mentioned this seems like a good idea to also influence parents and the family as a whole. The experts who disagreed said the “guidelines were
very weak” and that we have tried this before. They say cutting out a few sugary products will not produce results, but maybe even a rise in obesity.
Edelman, Marian Wright. “Fighting Childhood Obesity.” Children’s Defense Fund.
31 July 2006. 2?news_iv_ctrl=0
This article by Marian Wright introduces us to a campaign to fight childhood obesity. She starts the article by explaining how The American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation have started a campaign to end childhood obesity, and to encourage parents
to join in. This popular campaign is the same one mentioned in the first source of this bibliography. Edelman has more of a completely positive opinion regarding it, while the
abc News report seemed to show mixed reviews among doctors and experts. She gives alarming statistics about the rise in obesity among the years stating that more than 11 million children are overweight. Wright is proving that parents need to get serious about this issue. Side effects of overweight adults are now popping up among children, for example diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. She writes about how children and adolescents these days spend less time “running around” and too much time watching TV or playing video games. She explains how schools have become one of the major roots of the problem. Schools are now starting to focus on healthy diets among their students. In her conclusion Wright stresses that the major influence on children is the “home.” She encourages parents to teach their children good habits from day one.
Freemark, Michael MD. “Obesity.” 25 April 2006. http://www.
This article was written exclusively for by a prestigious pediatrics professor from Duke. Freemark writes a thorough explanation and analysis of obesity, especially among children. The introduction talks about the definition of obesity (there
are many) and gives general background about the subject. Freemark then talks about why someone would become obese or not, for example drug-induced obesity, genetic and hormonal behaviors, accumulation of fat, and even different kinds of twins. He gives statistics about childhood obesity and talks about how people don’t realize children who are obese have the same complications as obese adults do. He explains the acute and long term complications obese children can pick up. The article talks about different physical attributes while they were growing up that affected them or leaded them to obesity.
Freemark explains syndromes, hormonal disorders, and medications that can cause obesity. He also explains the different kinds of medical care that can be acted out to
prevent and stop obesity, for example physical activity, nutritional counseling, intervention, and energy diets. The last few pages of the article wraps up by talking about different ways of changing children’s future for the better, for example surgical care, consultations, diets, activities, and further prevention.
Mann, Charles C. “PUBLIC HEALTH: Provocative Study Says Obesity May Reduce
U.S. Life Expectancy.” Science. 18 March 2005.
Charles C. Mann’s article accurately portrays its title by explaining the effects of obesity on our life expectancy. Mann shows how an economist predicted our future as bright regarding life expectancy, but the facts prove him wrong. Some experts say that the advances in biomedical research will fix the problem and keep us alive longer in the future, but some say obesity is still on the rise. He also explains in one section of the article that as the life expectancy goes up, the rise of obesity has risen drastically. The health effects of obesity take years to appear. He quotes an expert from the New England Journal who says we will start to lose years off of the life expectancy if we don’t stop obesity.
“National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Childhood obesity.” The Daily.
18 October 2002.
This article is about the rising obesity among children in Canada. It gives bar graphs showing obesity among different age groups. The article gives a variety of different facts about child obesity, including boys being more overweight than girls, low
income affecting obesity, and that the majority of children are overweight at some point. This article is mainly using facts and statistics to get their point across, and could use a little more substance to help the reader learn background about the subject.
“Report: Obesity rising sharply among U.S. preschoolers American Heart
Association study shows weight impact on Health.” CNN.30 December 2004.
This report for CNN was a general alarm to the public about the rising number of obesity over the last decade. It gives statistics showing significant increases in child and adolescent obesity. The report stresses the fact that kid’s weight problems are beginning to start earlier as the years go by. There is commentary from concerned doctors talking
about clueless parents and the growing number of heart disease, stroke and diabetes among these overweight children. The idea of long term medical effects on the children closely resembles Freemark’s concerns with obesity in his article on page 4.
Santora, Marc. “Child Obesity Picture Grim Among New York City Poor.” The New
York Times. 6 April 2006.
Marc Santora points out the direct correlation between obesity and low incomes among New York children in this well written article. He introduces the article by referencing two studies: preschool children by the City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and also a 2003 study of obesity among children. A major statistic he refers to throughout the article is the fact that one in four 2-year-olds were found to be obese, and
that it climbs rapidly to one in three were found to be obese by the age of 4. Santora is essentially implying that obesity among children is increasing each year and also that the
number of obese children increases rapidly in their earliest years of life. There seems to be some type of action being taken trying to change the city health code so schools and day cares will pay more attention to physical activity and diet. In the obesity studies he references the most affected groups of children are African-American and Hispanic boys.
He quotes a lead author in one of the studies, Candace Young. Young talks about how we should put emphasis on proportion sizes and the things children drink. His thoughts of low income affecting childhood obesity reflect the ideas in the article The Daily, on the previous page.
Stein, Rob. “Report Urges Nationwide Campaign to Combat Childhood Obesity.” The
Washington Post. 1 October 2004: Pg. A16
This article stresses ways to prevent children from becoming obese. Stein refers to the National Academy of Sciences’ report about recommendations for preventing childhood obesity. It mentions how parents, doctors, media, schools, and even government need to asses the situation. It states how doctors should measure children’s Body Mass Index (B.M.I) more often, and how parents should regulate their child’s eating habits and increase daily activity. The article also covers how media should decrease the marketing of junk food, and schools’ food systems could be changed for the better by introducing healthy foods. After this report was sent out, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy came up with a bill that “would, for example, ban vending machines selling unhealthful food or drink in schools receiving federal funds.” Stein reports how the recommendations generally went well with the public and other anti-obesity advocates. There were some concerns and
disagreements with the report from the National Food Processors Association and a few professors.
“The Surgeon General’s Call To Action To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and
Obesity.”United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Http:// www.surgeongeneral .gov/topics/obesity/calltoaction/fact_adolescents.htm
This report mentions the risks of being obese, including heart disease, diabetes, and even social discrimination. It states the causes of obesity as well, for example, little to no physical activity and unhealthy eating habits. They give suggestions to parents and kids on what to do if they are in this situation. It states that families should gradually change their eating habits and physical activity for a more healthy and balanced future. It suggests reducing the amount of time sitting in front of the TV, and increase the amount of physical activity. In regards to eating healthy, it suggests following the Dietary Guidelines, and not to use food as punishment or rewards. The report also gives suggestions like not to eat in front of the TV, and to make sure you start your day with a healthy breakfast, etc. It explains how weight loss may be gradual, and to avoid crash dieting and diet pills. It also suggests consulting a doctor for weight management. This report is highly credible considering that it came from the official website of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. This formal source is also necessary for my paper because it gets right to the point about prevention of obesity.
Torg, Elizabeth. “Cute and Chubby or Dangerously Overweight?: Stop early signs before
Kids gain too much weight.”,5778,s1-6-73-
This article is bringing attention to people by showing how parents and pediatricians don’t recognize that kids are gaining too much weight very early on in their childhood. Torg uses studies by University of Michigan to show how children don’t get their Body Mass Index (B.M.I) checked as often as they should. The article closes by demonstrating how one could measure their children’s B.M.I, figuring out if it’s healthy, and then visiting a doctor. This article is a great source for my paper, because it’s talking directly to the reader about how to prevent obesity before it starts.
Blackburn, Leslie Bonci, Keith-Thomas Ayoob, Dr. Stephen Cook, Elisa Zied,
Dr. Dean Ornish, Julie N. Germann, Richard D. Feinman, and Barry M. Popkin.
6 October 2006.
This report is a handful of doctor’s and expert’s reactions to Bill Clinton and the American Heart Association’s effort to make food in schools healthier and more nutritious. One doctor mentioned that we should get the children of the school involved, for example having them grow or make their own food so they learn for the future. Some doctors mentioned that daily physical activity is very important; children should be getting 60 minutes a day. Some experts were concerned if children would actually carry on this knowledge out of school, and not just walk down the street to a fast food place on their own time. A lot of experts mentioned this seems like a good idea to also influence parents and the family as a whole. The experts who disagreed said the “guidelines were
very weak” and that we have tried this before. They say cutting out a few sugary products will not produce results, but maybe even a rise in obesity.
Edelman, Marian Wright. “Fighting Childhood Obesity.” Children’s Defense Fund.
31 July 2006. 2?news_iv_ctrl=0
This article by Marian Wright introduces us to a campaign to fight childhood obesity. She starts the article by explaining how The American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation have started a campaign to end childhood obesity, and to encourage parents
to join in. This popular campaign is the same one mentioned in the first source of this bibliography. Edelman has more of a completely positive opinion regarding it, while the
abc News report seemed to show mixed reviews among doctors and experts. She gives alarming statistics about the rise in obesity among the years stating that more than 11 million children are overweight. Wright is proving that parents need to get serious about this issue. Side effects of overweight adults are now popping up among children, for example diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. She writes about how children and adolescents these days spend less time “running around” and too much time watching TV or playing video games. She explains how schools have become one of the major roots of the problem. Schools are now starting to focus on healthy diets among their students. In her conclusion Wright stresses that the major influence on children is the “home.” She encourages parents to teach their children good habits from day one.
Freemark, Michael MD. “Obesity.” 25 April 2006. http://www.
This article was written exclusively for by a prestigious pediatrics professor from Duke. Freemark writes a thorough explanation and analysis of obesity, especially among children. The introduction talks about the definition of obesity (there
are many) and gives general background about the subject. Freemark then talks about why someone would become obese or not, for example drug-induced obesity, genetic and hormonal behaviors, accumulation of fat, and even different kinds of twins. He gives statistics about childhood obesity and talks about how people don’t realize children who are obese have the same complications as obese adults do. He explains the acute and long term complications obese children can pick up. The article talks about different physical attributes while they were growing up that affected them or leaded them to obesity.
Freemark explains syndromes, hormonal disorders, and medications that can cause obesity. He also explains the different kinds of medical care that can be acted out to
prevent and stop obesity, for example physical activity, nutritional counseling, intervention, and energy diets. The last few pages of the article wraps up by talking about different ways of changing children’s future for the better, for example surgical care, consultations, diets, activities, and further prevention.
Mann, Charles C. “PUBLIC HEALTH: Provocative Study Says Obesity May Reduce
U.S. Life Expectancy.” Science. 18 March 2005.
Charles C. Mann’s article accurately portrays its title by explaining the effects of obesity on our life expectancy. Mann shows how an economist predicted our future as bright regarding life expectancy, but the facts prove him wrong. Some experts say that the advances in biomedical research will fix the problem and keep us alive longer in the future, but some say obesity is still on the rise. He also explains in one section of the article that as the life expectancy goes up, the rise of obesity has risen drastically. The health effects of obesity take years to appear. He quotes an expert from the New England Journal who says we will start to lose years off of the life expectancy if we don’t stop obesity.
“National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Childhood obesity.” The Daily.
18 October 2002.
This article is about the rising obesity among children in Canada. It gives bar graphs showing obesity among different age groups. The article gives a variety of different facts about child obesity, including boys being more overweight than girls, low
income affecting obesity, and that the majority of children are overweight at some point. This article is mainly using facts and statistics to get their point across, and could use a little more substance to help the reader learn background about the subject.
“Report: Obesity rising sharply among U.S. preschoolers American Heart
Association study shows weight impact on Health.” CNN.30 December 2004.
This report for CNN was a general alarm to the public about the rising number of obesity over the last decade. It gives statistics showing significant increases in child and adolescent obesity. The report stresses the fact that kid’s weight problems are beginning to start earlier as the years go by. There is commentary from concerned doctors talking
about clueless parents and the growing number of heart disease, stroke and diabetes among these overweight children. The idea of long term medical effects on the children closely resembles Freemark’s concerns with obesity in his article on page 4.
Santora, Marc. “Child Obesity Picture Grim Among New York City Poor.” The New
York Times. 6 April 2006.
Marc Santora points out the direct correlation between obesity and low incomes among New York children in this well written article. He introduces the article by referencing two studies: preschool children by the City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and also a 2003 study of obesity among children. A major statistic he refers to throughout the article is the fact that one in four 2-year-olds were found to be obese, and
that it climbs rapidly to one in three were found to be obese by the age of 4. Santora is essentially implying that obesity among children is increasing each year and also that the
number of obese children increases rapidly in their earliest years of life. There seems to be some type of action being taken trying to change the city health code so schools and day cares will pay more attention to physical activity and diet. In the obesity studies he references the most affected groups of children are African-American and Hispanic boys.
He quotes a lead author in one of the studies, Candace Young. Young talks about how we should put emphasis on proportion sizes and the things children drink. His thoughts of low income affecting childhood obesity reflect the ideas in the article The Daily, on the previous page.
Stein, Rob. “Report Urges Nationwide Campaign to Combat Childhood Obesity.” The
Washington Post. 1 October 2004: Pg. A16
This article stresses ways to prevent children from becoming obese. Stein refers to the National Academy of Sciences’ report about recommendations for preventing childhood obesity. It mentions how parents, doctors, media, schools, and even government need to asses the situation. It states how doctors should measure children’s Body Mass Index (B.M.I) more often, and how parents should regulate their child’s eating habits and increase daily activity. The article also covers how media should decrease the marketing of junk food, and schools’ food systems could be changed for the better by introducing healthy foods. After this report was sent out, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy came up with a bill that “would, for example, ban vending machines selling unhealthful food or drink in schools receiving federal funds.” Stein reports how the recommendations generally went well with the public and other anti-obesity advocates. There were some concerns and
disagreements with the report from the National Food Processors Association and a few professors.
“The Surgeon General’s Call To Action To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and
Obesity.”United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Http:// www.surgeongeneral .gov/topics/obesity/calltoaction/fact_adolescents.htm
This report mentions the risks of being obese, including heart disease, diabetes, and even social discrimination. It states the causes of obesity as well, for example, little to no physical activity and unhealthy eating habits. They give suggestions to parents and kids on what to do if they are in this situation. It states that families should gradually change their eating habits and physical activity for a more healthy and balanced future. It suggests reducing the amount of time sitting in front of the TV, and increase the amount of physical activity. In regards to eating healthy, it suggests following the Dietary Guidelines, and not to use food as punishment or rewards. The report also gives suggestions like not to eat in front of the TV, and to make sure you start your day with a healthy breakfast, etc. It explains how weight loss may be gradual, and to avoid crash dieting and diet pills. It also suggests consulting a doctor for weight management. This report is highly credible considering that it came from the official website of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. This formal source is also necessary for my paper because it gets right to the point about prevention of obesity.
Torg, Elizabeth. “Cute and Chubby or Dangerously Overweight?: Stop early signs before
Kids gain too much weight.”,5778,s1-6-73-
This article is bringing attention to people by showing how parents and pediatricians don’t recognize that kids are gaining too much weight very early on in their childhood. Torg uses studies by University of Michigan to show how children don’t get their Body Mass Index (B.M.I) checked as often as they should. The article closes by demonstrating how one could measure their children’s B.M.I, figuring out if it’s healthy, and then visiting a doctor. This article is a great source for my paper, because it’s talking directly to the reader about how to prevent obesity before it starts.
Essay Two - Evaluation Argument - Hugo Chavez
The United States is in a very threatening time period. There are many countries and evil men that would like to wipe us off the map. One of these men is Hugo Chavez. He is the president of Venezuela. In 1992 he tried to overthrow the Venezuelan president. His coup did not work. He was thrown in jail and released two years later due to a presidential pardon from the following president. He then changed his converted from a military man to politician. In 1999 he was elected president of Venezuela. He currently remains the president of Venezuela. Understanding Chavez’s views is quite synonymous with those of Fidel Castro. He is a very avid supporter of Castro. Chavez is not yet a clear and present danger to the United States but is rapidly moving up in the ranks. Chavez openly criticizes the United States, especially President George W. Bush. In his tenure as president of Venezuela, Chavez has survived many attacks against him. Hugo Chavez and his plans are fascist and need to be closely watched. His plans are surely undemocratic and clearly soon to be dangerous with two of his main supporters being Cuba and the untrustworthy Iran.
Hugo Chavez has gained the support of millions in Venezuela. The lower class of Venezuela in particular greatly supports Chavez and his plans for Venezuela. Chavez is fully aware of all of the natural resources that Venezuela has. The country has more oil than Saudi Arabia. This is why Chavez is greatly trying to oust all foreign oil companies. He wants to keep the money in Venezuela and not let any profit that he could have out of the country. Chavez’s Bolivarian Revolution is sweeping through Venezuela with mainly support. He has big plans for his country and how to get them out of the third world stage that they have been in for so long.
The oil companies that were helping the Venezuelan economy to a greater extent than anything else was have now been eliminated. Chavez eliminated all North American and European contracts with oil companies. It doesn’t make sense since Chavez doesn’t have refineries to produce oil besides drilling for the crude oil itself. When interviewed Chavez claimed that he doesn’t want to see the foreign oil companies out of the country. It doesn’t make sense, since he is the one who eliminated the contracts. Chavez is a dishonest man. America has seen many men like Chavez and his criterion for being one of these men are fully met. The way he openly accuses and attacks America is only going to end badly for him. Chavez is even more outspoken than other dictators that America has seen. He is similar to his counterpart Fidel Castro. That combo can only mean bad things to come and needs to be eliminated.
From the outside it may seem that Hugo Chavez has nothing but good intentions. However Chavez surely has other plans. He is allied with Cuba and has the support of a very hostile in tented Iran. Hugo Chavez has called President George Bush the devil and many other things. Chavez also blames Bush for the attempted coup of Chavez’s regime in 2002. He has absolutely no evidence of this however openly makes those claims. Not only does Chavez attack our president, but threatens our countries very existence. He says that very soon America’s reign will end. Chavez has openly said that America will soon no longer exist and America’s time will soon come to an end. Currently Chavez clearly has no power to do that himself with a relatively weak military. He is far from that with such an impoverished country before he can worry about any real threat to America. Still, his intentions and views of what he would like to see happen to America are clear. America has enough evil men that would like to wipe it off the map. Chavez needs to be noted as a threat in the future. President Bush has made it clear that he does not like Chavez and wants nothing to do with him. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina Bush told Chavez to stay away and did not want any help from him. Hugo Chavez is a man that needs to be dealt with. In the future people could see him being dealt with like a Hussein that needs to be eliminated. Many people are fully aware of the threat that Chavez could pose in the future. His claims and ideals already show his intentions. Pat Robertson a famous evangelist came on the news in 2005 and said that Chavez needed to be assassinated. Chavez does need to be dealt with in a forceful manner.
Supporters of Chavez, even in America and Europe see Chavez as a good asset. They see Bush as making a mistake by not making trade and good relations with Chavez. That seems impossible after Chavez has made it clear of what his thoughts are of Bush. Chavez can provide cheap oil but aside from that what can he do? If his supporters look past that they would see that he is not helping his country as much as it seems. The country is still so impoverished and far from coming out of it.
Hugo Chavez is clearly an enemy not only to America but also to democracy and capitalism. He surely is slowly becoming a dictator. He should be eliminated because of his true intentions. His cover is so shallow that it is easy to see through to his true intentions. For now Chavez will survive because of the many other chaotic issues that America has to deal with. He can be easily categorized with men like Fidel Castro and Saddam Hussein. As he continues down his path of ignorance and hostile intent his time will come. One interview showed Chavez’s ignorance and defiance of what he thinks. In an interview a man asked “But the revolution can come to an end if there’s another coup and it succeeds. Do you believe Bush is still trying to overthrow your government?” Chavez responded with “He would like to, but what you want is one thing, and what you cannot really obtain is another.” Hugo Chavez is an alarming character and is truly a threat that needs to be dealt with, case closed.
Hugo Chavez has gained the support of millions in Venezuela. The lower class of Venezuela in particular greatly supports Chavez and his plans for Venezuela. Chavez is fully aware of all of the natural resources that Venezuela has. The country has more oil than Saudi Arabia. This is why Chavez is greatly trying to oust all foreign oil companies. He wants to keep the money in Venezuela and not let any profit that he could have out of the country. Chavez’s Bolivarian Revolution is sweeping through Venezuela with mainly support. He has big plans for his country and how to get them out of the third world stage that they have been in for so long.
The oil companies that were helping the Venezuelan economy to a greater extent than anything else was have now been eliminated. Chavez eliminated all North American and European contracts with oil companies. It doesn’t make sense since Chavez doesn’t have refineries to produce oil besides drilling for the crude oil itself. When interviewed Chavez claimed that he doesn’t want to see the foreign oil companies out of the country. It doesn’t make sense, since he is the one who eliminated the contracts. Chavez is a dishonest man. America has seen many men like Chavez and his criterion for being one of these men are fully met. The way he openly accuses and attacks America is only going to end badly for him. Chavez is even more outspoken than other dictators that America has seen. He is similar to his counterpart Fidel Castro. That combo can only mean bad things to come and needs to be eliminated.
From the outside it may seem that Hugo Chavez has nothing but good intentions. However Chavez surely has other plans. He is allied with Cuba and has the support of a very hostile in tented Iran. Hugo Chavez has called President George Bush the devil and many other things. Chavez also blames Bush for the attempted coup of Chavez’s regime in 2002. He has absolutely no evidence of this however openly makes those claims. Not only does Chavez attack our president, but threatens our countries very existence. He says that very soon America’s reign will end. Chavez has openly said that America will soon no longer exist and America’s time will soon come to an end. Currently Chavez clearly has no power to do that himself with a relatively weak military. He is far from that with such an impoverished country before he can worry about any real threat to America. Still, his intentions and views of what he would like to see happen to America are clear. America has enough evil men that would like to wipe it off the map. Chavez needs to be noted as a threat in the future. President Bush has made it clear that he does not like Chavez and wants nothing to do with him. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina Bush told Chavez to stay away and did not want any help from him. Hugo Chavez is a man that needs to be dealt with. In the future people could see him being dealt with like a Hussein that needs to be eliminated. Many people are fully aware of the threat that Chavez could pose in the future. His claims and ideals already show his intentions. Pat Robertson a famous evangelist came on the news in 2005 and said that Chavez needed to be assassinated. Chavez does need to be dealt with in a forceful manner.
Supporters of Chavez, even in America and Europe see Chavez as a good asset. They see Bush as making a mistake by not making trade and good relations with Chavez. That seems impossible after Chavez has made it clear of what his thoughts are of Bush. Chavez can provide cheap oil but aside from that what can he do? If his supporters look past that they would see that he is not helping his country as much as it seems. The country is still so impoverished and far from coming out of it.
Hugo Chavez is clearly an enemy not only to America but also to democracy and capitalism. He surely is slowly becoming a dictator. He should be eliminated because of his true intentions. His cover is so shallow that it is easy to see through to his true intentions. For now Chavez will survive because of the many other chaotic issues that America has to deal with. He can be easily categorized with men like Fidel Castro and Saddam Hussein. As he continues down his path of ignorance and hostile intent his time will come. One interview showed Chavez’s ignorance and defiance of what he thinks. In an interview a man asked “But the revolution can come to an end if there’s another coup and it succeeds. Do you believe Bush is still trying to overthrow your government?” Chavez responded with “He would like to, but what you want is one thing, and what you cannot really obtain is another.” Hugo Chavez is an alarming character and is truly a threat that needs to be dealt with, case closed.
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