Thursday, March 8, 2007

Reflection Paper

On September 20, 2001 the Bush Administration made their plan for the war on terror clear. In his speech President Bush stated that the war would not be like the mission in Kosovo where there would be no lives lost. Bush made it clear that lives would be lost and it would take time to complete what we needed to do in the Middle East. At the time American support was towering. The American public agreed that the country needed to go after the terrorists and make it clear that either you are with us or against us. Obviously American support has shallowed over the past couple of years. America must of not taken heart to one of the most important speeches that Bush has given. Bush’s new act to put 3,000 more troops on the ground has absolutely no support. However it is a necessary measure to provide more security in Iraq. Bush’s speech following the 9/11 attacks was accurate and well planned. The operation in Iraq will take time and putting more troops in Iraq will surely provide more security on the ground from the insurgents. It will help further our efforts in Iraq.

American support of the war in Iraq has obviously diminished. President Bush has accomplished more than most people realize in Iraq. We have ousted the biggest captain of genocide in the past 30 years and captured or killed many other big names in terrorism. Bush’s decision to send another 3,000 troops to Iraq has obviously been scrutinized by the public. Time magazine has readers that bash on the war in Iraq continuously. However that is who my letter is to and I am in support of the war. In 2001 American support of the war on terror was very strong. Bush made it clear in one of his best speeches in office that we would go after every person who tried to compromise American freedom. He also made it clear that it would not be a 60 day operation where there would be no loss of young American lives. America supported his ideas for the war on terror greatly at first. Once America actually realized that the operation was going to be an actual ordeal they didn’t like it. I think that they didn’t realize people were going to die and weren’t willing to sacrifice this much. I don’t know if they really listened to President Bush’s speech on September 20, 2001. The audience of my letter is to those who do support the war and just to let them know that there are still people out there who do support it. It is also to the people who don’t support the war to let them know that not to long ago we were united in the war on terror. One speech doesn’t justify going into war and young men dying but it is just a reminder that the public knew and was once supportive. I remember watching that speech on television. The whole country was in such great anticipation waiting to see how the leader of our country would react. My purpose was partly stated in my audience section. It is basically a reminder to those who support and don’t support the war on terror. That we were told what kind of a war this would be. Did we listen? Yes we listened but we haven’t seen a war anything like this one in over 30 years. So perhaps we forgot that in war people die. This wasn’t just America going out and displaying its power how I hear some people talk about. We didn’t go looking for the fight someone started it with us, as they usually do. In my opinion we had absolutely irreconcilable acts committed against us that is every bit worth fighting this war over. Not just to avenge all of the Americans killed in the 9/11 attacks but to protect the principle of American freedom. Further the letter was basically support for President Bush’s decision to send 3,000 more troops to Iraq. I think it will help to provide more security around the cities. Of course you won’t be able to patrol every street corner 24 hours a day but you can at least provide more security around the city. Im saying that it could end up saving some lives more than hurting.

English102 Student

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