Monday, April 30, 2007

Essay Two - Evaluation Argument - Hugo Chavez

The United States is in a very threatening time period. There are many countries and evil men that would like to wipe us off the map. One of these men is Hugo Chavez. He is the president of Venezuela. In 1992 he tried to overthrow the Venezuelan president. His coup did not work. He was thrown in jail and released two years later due to a presidential pardon from the following president. He then changed his converted from a military man to politician. In 1999 he was elected president of Venezuela. He currently remains the president of Venezuela. Understanding Chavez’s views is quite synonymous with those of Fidel Castro. He is a very avid supporter of Castro. Chavez is not yet a clear and present danger to the United States but is rapidly moving up in the ranks. Chavez openly criticizes the United States, especially President George W. Bush. In his tenure as president of Venezuela, Chavez has survived many attacks against him. Hugo Chavez and his plans are fascist and need to be closely watched. His plans are surely undemocratic and clearly soon to be dangerous with two of his main supporters being Cuba and the untrustworthy Iran.
Hugo Chavez has gained the support of millions in Venezuela. The lower class of Venezuela in particular greatly supports Chavez and his plans for Venezuela. Chavez is fully aware of all of the natural resources that Venezuela has. The country has more oil than Saudi Arabia. This is why Chavez is greatly trying to oust all foreign oil companies. He wants to keep the money in Venezuela and not let any profit that he could have out of the country. Chavez’s Bolivarian Revolution is sweeping through Venezuela with mainly support. He has big plans for his country and how to get them out of the third world stage that they have been in for so long.
The oil companies that were helping the Venezuelan economy to a greater extent than anything else was have now been eliminated. Chavez eliminated all North American and European contracts with oil companies. It doesn’t make sense since Chavez doesn’t have refineries to produce oil besides drilling for the crude oil itself. When interviewed Chavez claimed that he doesn’t want to see the foreign oil companies out of the country. It doesn’t make sense, since he is the one who eliminated the contracts. Chavez is a dishonest man. America has seen many men like Chavez and his criterion for being one of these men are fully met. The way he openly accuses and attacks America is only going to end badly for him. Chavez is even more outspoken than other dictators that America has seen. He is similar to his counterpart Fidel Castro. That combo can only mean bad things to come and needs to be eliminated.
From the outside it may seem that Hugo Chavez has nothing but good intentions. However Chavez surely has other plans. He is allied with Cuba and has the support of a very hostile in tented Iran. Hugo Chavez has called President George Bush the devil and many other things. Chavez also blames Bush for the attempted coup of Chavez’s regime in 2002. He has absolutely no evidence of this however openly makes those claims. Not only does Chavez attack our president, but threatens our countries very existence. He says that very soon America’s reign will end. Chavez has openly said that America will soon no longer exist and America’s time will soon come to an end. Currently Chavez clearly has no power to do that himself with a relatively weak military. He is far from that with such an impoverished country before he can worry about any real threat to America. Still, his intentions and views of what he would like to see happen to America are clear. America has enough evil men that would like to wipe it off the map. Chavez needs to be noted as a threat in the future. President Bush has made it clear that he does not like Chavez and wants nothing to do with him. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina Bush told Chavez to stay away and did not want any help from him. Hugo Chavez is a man that needs to be dealt with. In the future people could see him being dealt with like a Hussein that needs to be eliminated. Many people are fully aware of the threat that Chavez could pose in the future. His claims and ideals already show his intentions. Pat Robertson a famous evangelist came on the news in 2005 and said that Chavez needed to be assassinated. Chavez does need to be dealt with in a forceful manner.
Supporters of Chavez, even in America and Europe see Chavez as a good asset. They see Bush as making a mistake by not making trade and good relations with Chavez. That seems impossible after Chavez has made it clear of what his thoughts are of Bush. Chavez can provide cheap oil but aside from that what can he do? If his supporters look past that they would see that he is not helping his country as much as it seems. The country is still so impoverished and far from coming out of it.
Hugo Chavez is clearly an enemy not only to America but also to democracy and capitalism. He surely is slowly becoming a dictator. He should be eliminated because of his true intentions. His cover is so shallow that it is easy to see through to his true intentions. For now Chavez will survive because of the many other chaotic issues that America has to deal with. He can be easily categorized with men like Fidel Castro and Saddam Hussein. As he continues down his path of ignorance and hostile intent his time will come. One interview showed Chavez’s ignorance and defiance of what he thinks. In an interview a man asked “But the revolution can come to an end if there’s another coup and it succeeds. Do you believe Bush is still trying to overthrow your government?” Chavez responded with “He would like to, but what you want is one thing, and what you cannot really obtain is another.” Hugo Chavez is an alarming character and is truly a threat that needs to be dealt with, case closed.

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