Monday, April 30, 2007


This world is ridiculous with the nuts we have on earth. Today i just read about a shooting in Kansas City where a man stole a dead ladies car, then went to a mall and started shooting people. He had a highpowered rifle and was shooting everything, including the two people he shot and killed. First the Virginia Tech shooting now this. If you look at these kinds of things, it happens at least every couple years in America. What about Columbine. They all disgust me. I dont care what you have wrong with yourself it is sickening all of these people killing people because they cant deal with things. This is going to continue in America over the years in our schools and public. I have no idea what to do to stop it because ive never had one thought of doing that so i dont understand what could stop it. It is even harder when some nut sends a tape that says "its your fault, you could of prevented this, but now its to late," then goes and kills over 30 innocent, random people. The kid was obviously a nut. We have a lot of them in our schools obviously that has been shown in America over the years. In the 70's we put the mentally ill in hospitals. There was a big movement of it in the 70's. Thats a whole seperate issue, but we just let things continue until a tragedy happens. Va Tech was the worst shooting in American history. It just makes you question how bad is it going to get?

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